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Curricular Units
- Adventure Engineering Challenge: Asteroid Impact
- Aging Heart Valves
- Air Pollution Solutions
- Air Quality InQuiry (AQ-IQ)
- Android Acceleration Application
- Biomedical Engineering and the Human Body
- Bridges
- Cells
- Conduction, Convection and Radiation
- Creative Engineering Design
- Dams
- Digital Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Earth's Changing Surface
- Electromagnet Design Challenge: Clean Up This Mess
- Elementary School Engineering Design Field Day
- Energy & Energy Conservation
- Energy-Efficient Housing
- Engineering and the Human Body
- Engineering Empathy: Teaching Design with Assistive Devices
- Engineering Nature: DNA Visualization and Manipulation
- Environmental Challenges in China: Rural Villages to Big Cities
- Environmental Engineering
- Environmental Engineering and Water Chemistry
- Evolutionary Engineering: Simple Machines—Pyramids to Skyscrapers
- Exploring Energy
- Exploring Our Brain’s Learning Process
- Exploring Solar Power
- Feel Better Faster: All about Flow Rate
- Floaters and Sinkers
- Floppy Heart Valves
- Forces All Around
- Forces: Friction
- Forces: Mass and Momentum
- Forces: Stress and Strain
- Forces: Weight and Gravity
- How Do Sensors Work?
- Humans Are Like Robots
- Hybrid Vehicle Design Challenge
- Intro to Engineering through Sports and the Olympics
- Keepers of the Gate
- Laser Light Properties: Protecting the Mummified Troll!
- Latex Tubing and Hybrid Vehicles
- Life Science
- Marine Mapping
- Mission to Mars
- Motion: Newton's Laws
- MRI Safety Grand Challenge for AP Physics
- NanoTech: Insights into a Nano-Sized World
- Natural Disasters: Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tornadoes & More
- Next-Generation Surgical Tools in the Body
- Non-renewable Energy: Fossil Fuels
- Our Bodies Have Computers and Sensors
- Plot Your Course - Navigation
- Put a Spark in It! - Electricity
- Robot Design Challenges
- Robotics Peripheral Vision
- Rock Cycle
- Rockets
- Service-Based Engineering Design Projects
- Simple Machines
- Skeletal System
- Solar System!
- Sound and Light
- Sound Energy
- Space
- Students as Scientists
- Surface Tension
- Surgical Device Engineering
- Sustainable Design and Biomimicry in a Desert Ecosystem
- Tell Me the Odds (of Cancer)
- The Force of Friction
- The Physics of Fluid Mechanics
- The Science and Engineering Behind Harry Potter
- Up, Up and Away! - Airplanes
- Urban Stormwater Management
- Using Nanoparticles to Detect, Treat and Protect from Skin Cancer
- Using Stress and Strain to Detect Cancer!
- Walk the Line: A Module on Linear Functions
- Water Cycle
- Weather and Atmosphere
- What Are Newton's Laws?
- What Is a Computer Program?
- A Good Foundation
- A Tale of Friction
- Accuracy, Precision and Errors in Navigation: Getting It Right!
- Algorithms and Everyday Life
- All About Landslides: Land on the Run
- All Sorts of Mutations: Changes in the Genetic Code
- Alloy Advantage
- An Introduction to Air Quality Research
- Antimatter Matters
- Archimedes' Principle, Pascal's Law and Bernoulli's Principle
- Architects and Engineers: Working Together to Design Structures
- Art in Engineering - Moving Art
- Biodomes are Engineered Ecosystems: A Mini World
- Biomedical Devices for the Eyes
- Biomimicry and Sustainable Design: Nature as Engineering Marvel
- Body Full of Crystals
- Boxed In and Wrapped Up
- Brain is a Computer
- Breathe In, Breathe Out
- Bridging the Gaps
- Can You Take the Pressure?
- Carbon Cycles
- Cars and Air Quality Connections
- Caught in the Net: Bycatch vs.Target Species in Ocean Fishing
- Circuits: One Path for Electricity
- Clean It Up!
- Cleaning Up with Decomposers
- Climate Change and Cars (K-2)
- Collisions and Momentum: Bouncing Balls
- Conservation of Energy: Pushing It Off a Cliff
- Copycat Engineers
- Design & Materials: Homes for Different Climates
- Designing a Sustainable Guest Village in Saguaro National Park
- Designing Bridges
- Destination Outer Space
- Detail Drawings: Communicating with Engineers
- Digestive System
- DNA: The Human Body Recipe
- Doing the Math: Analysis of Forces in a Truss Bridge
- Don't Be a Square
- Earth Rocks!
- Earthquake Formation: Crust, Plates, Currents, Drift and Faults
- Electromagnets
- Electrons on the Move
- Energy Basics
- Energy Conservation: Considering Sources, Cost and Impact
- Energy Efficiency
- Energy Forms, States and Conversions
- Energy Resources and Systems
- Energy Transfer in Musical Instruments
- Engineering in Sports: Energy Transfer in Athletic Gear
- Engineering: Simple Machines
- Exploring Energy: What Is Energy?
- Exploring Linear Momentum
- Exploring Nondestructive Evaluation Methods
- Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Extinction Prevention via Engineering
- Factors Affecting Friction
- Fairly Fundamental Facts about Forces and Structures
- Fantastic Fossils
- Floaters and Sinkers
- Fluid Power Basics
- Forms of Linear Equations
- Fun Look at Material Science
- Fun with Nanotechnology
- Geology and Major Landforms: Sea to Sky
- Geometry Tools: Angles & Reflections
- Get Charged! Introduction to Electrical Energy
- Global Climate Change
- Greenhouse Atmosphere: Let's Heat Things Up!
- Heat Transfer
- Heat Transfer: No Magic About It
- Household Energy Conservation and Efficiency
- How Can We Prevent the Corrosion Crisis?
- How Clean is that Water?
- How Do Human Sensors Work?
- How Do You Store All This Data?
- How Does a Robot Work?
- How Does a Touch Sensor Work?
- How Far Does a Lava Flow Go?
- How Hot Is It?
- How Mountains are Formed
- Human and Robot Sensors
- Human Genetics, Chromosomes and Alleles: What’s Dominant?
- Human Water Cycle
- Hurricanes
- Internal Combustion Engine, Electric Vehicles & Air Quality Connections
- Intro to 3D Bioprinting: Design, Applications and Limitations
- Introduction to Environmental Engineering
- Introduction to Genetic Engineering and Its Applications
- Introduction to Water Chemistry
- I've Gotta Get Some Air
- Kinetic and Potential Energy of Motion
- Landfills: Building Them Better
- Launch into Learning: Catapults!
- Learning Light's Properties
- Let’s Plan an Experiment: What Do Plants Need?
- Life in Space: The International Space Station
- Lights Out!
- Locks and Dams
- Lunar Learning: Moon Phases Always on the Move
- Making & Breaking: The Rock Cycle
- Marine Animal Tracking
- Mars and Jupiter
- May the Force Be with You: Drag
- May the Force Be with You: Lift
- May the Force Be with You: Weight
- Measure Twice, Cut Once
- Mercury and Venus
- Move It! Conservation of Energy & Energy Transfer in Crashes
- Move Your Muscles!
- Muscles, Oh My!
- Nanotechnology as a Whole
- Naturally Disastrous
- Navigating by the Numbers
- Nerve Racking
- Olympic Engineering: Design Process to Create Competition Venues
- Our Big Blue Marble
- Passive Solar Design
- Physics of Roller Coasters
- Planting Thoughts
- Pollution Solutions
- Powerful Pulleys
- Problem Solving
- Projectile Magic
- Properties of Mixtures vs. Solutions: Mix It Up!
- Radar: Using Sound for Sight
- Red Light, Green Light: Forces of Friction, Roads & Tires
- Red Rover Robotics
- Renewable Energy
- Rocketry Calculations: Houston, We Have a Problem!
- Seismic Waves: How Earthquakes Move Through the Earth
- Separating Mixtures
- Shielding from Cosmic Radiation: Space Agency Scenario
- Shoes Under Pressure
- Skyscrapers: Engineering Up!
- Slide Right on by Using an Inclined Plane
- Solar Angles and Tracking Systems
- Solar Power to the Rescue!
- Solar Power: When & Where Is Best?
- Solid Waste Takes Over
- Space Travel
- Spaced Out
- Storing Android Accelerometer Data: App Design
- Strength of Materials
- Superhydrophobicity — The Lotus Effect
- Surfactants: Helping Molecules Get Along
- Swinging on a String
- Take Off with Paper Airplanes
- Tell Me Doc—Will I Get Cancer?
- Testing Cell Signal at Altitude
- Thar She Blows! Wind as a Renewable Energy Source
- The Advantage of Machines
- The Building Blocks of Matter
- The Crash Scene
- The Earth is a Changin'
- The Energy of Light
- The Energy Problem
- The Grand Challenge: Simulating Human Vision
- The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
- The Outer Planets
- The Power of Enzymes!
- The Science of Swinging
- The Strongest Pump of All: Electrical Heart Functions
- The Temperature Effect
- Time for Design
- Tornado!
- Tsunami Attack! Giant Wave Characteristics and Causes
- Understanding Elements
- Understanding the Structure of the Eye
- Unlocking the Endocrine System
- Using Heat from the Sun
- Visible Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Volcanic Panic!
- Water Resources: Why Do We Build Dams?
- Water, Water Everywhere
- Watershed Balance
- Waves and Wave Properties
- Weather Basics
- Weather Forecasting
- Wetting and Contact Angle
- What Floats Your Boat?
- What Is a Robot?
- What Is Electricity?
- What Is Energy?
- What Is Engineering and What Is Design?
- What Is Newton's First Law?
- What Is Newton's Second Law?
- What Is Newton's Third Law?
- What Kind of Footprint? Carbon Footprint
- What Makes Airplanes Fly?
- What's Air Got to Do with It? Properties & Quality
- What's Hot and What's Not?
- What's Inside Your Bones?
- What's Up with All This Traffic?
- Will It Fly?
- You Are What You Drink!
- 20/20 Vision
- A Guide to Rain Garden Construction
- A LEGO Introduction to Graphing
- A Little Bit of Everything About 3D Printing
- A New Angle on Photovoltaic Solar Panel Efficiency
- A Place in Space
- A Radish Home: Creating an Ideal Environment for Plants
- A Shot Under Pressure
- A Slippery Situation: Oil Spill Cleanup and Polarity
- A Sweet Volume: Designing a Jumbo Chocolate Bar Using Polynomials
- Above-Ground Storage Tank Design Project
- Absorbing Airplane Noise!
- Acid and Base Rainbows
- Acid Rain Effects
- Active and Passive Transport: Red Rover Send Particles Over
- Air Pressure
- Air Pressure Experiments: I Can't Take the Pressure!
- Air Quality and Particulate Matter
- Air Quality and Weather Connections
- Algae Blooms Takeover!
- All Caught Up: Acting Out Bycatching Points of View
- Alloy the Way to Mars
- Amusement Park Ride: Ups and Downs in Design
- An Assistive Artistic Device
- An Inflated Impression of Mars
- And the Award Goes to…
- Android App Development
- Angular Velocity: Sweet Wheels
- Animal Adaptations Fashion Show
- Applications of Systems of Equations: An Electronic Circuit
- Aquaponics from Bolivia to the United States
- Arduino Air Quality Monitor
- Around the World and Back: Redesigning an International Market for Accessibility
- Artificial Heart Design Challenge
- Atmospheric Distortion of Light (aka “Bubbles in the Air”)
- Automatic Floor Cleaner Computer Program Challenge
- Bacteria Transformation
- Bacteria! It’s Everywhere!
- Balancing Liquid on a Coin: How Intermolecular Forces Work
- Battle of the Beams
- Be “Cool” with Popsicle Engineering
- Become a Genome Engineer and Explore CRISPR-Cas9’s Potential to Cure Human Genetic Disorders!
- Better By Design
- Big Data, What Are You Saying?
- Bio-Engineering: Making and Testing Model Proteins
- Biohazard Protection Design Project: Suit Up!
- Blood Cell Basics
- Blow-and-Go Parachute
- Bombs Away! Egg Drop Experiment
- Bone Crusher
- Bone Transplants—No Donors Necessary!
- Boom Construction
- Bouncing Balls: Collisions, Momentum & Math in Sports
- Break the Tension
- Breaking Beams
- Breathing Cells
- Bridge Types: Tensile & Compressive Forces
- Bridging the Renewable Energy Gap: Alkane Resources
- Bridging to Polymers: Thermoset Lab
- Bright Ideas: Exploring Light Reflection and Sun Safety With Micro:Bits
- Broken Bones and Biomedical Materials
- Bubbling Plants Experiment to Quantify Photosynthesis
- Build a Charge Detector
- Build a Toy Workshop
- Build an Anemometer to Measure Wind Speed
- Build an Approximate Scale Model of an Object
- Build an Earthquake City
- Build and Test a Conductivity Probe with Arduino
- Build It Better!
- Build Your Own Insect Trap
- Building a Barometer
- Building a Piezoelectric Generator
- Building an Electromagnet
- Building an Optical Telescope
- Building Roller Coasters
- Building Tetrahedral Kites
- Buoyant Boats
- Can It Support You? No Bones about It!
- Can You Hear Me Now? Designing a Communication Device
- Car Collision Testing & Tradeoffs: Don’t Crack Humpty
- Catapults!
- Chair Design
- Chasing the Sun
- Chernobyl Empathy
- Chromatography Lab
- Clean Cooking Matters
- Clean Enough to Drink: Making Devices to Filter Dirty Water
- Cleaning the Air
- Clearing a Path to the Heart
- Clustering and Exploring the Periodic Table of Elements
- Commanding a Robot Using Sound
- Completing the Circuit
- Computer Accuracy
- Concrete Composites Lab
- Conductivity
- Connecting the Circuits of Fear: Understanding Neural Pathways and Conditioning
- Constraints: Pop Rockets on a Shoestring Budget
- Construct and Test Roofs for Different Climates
- Constructing and Testing a 3D Printed Glove with Strain Sensors
- Consult for the Conductive Circuit Card Company
- Control Using Sound
- Controlling Sound
- Convertible Shoes: Function, Fashion and Design
- Cooked, Salted, or Lysed—the Survivor: Investigative Options that Select for Polyvalency or Polyresistance
- Cooking with the Sun - Creating a Solar Oven
- Cooking with the Sun: Comparing Yummy Solar Cooker Designs
- Corn for Fuel?!
- Couch Potato or Inertia Victim?
- Counting Atoms: How Not to Break the Law of Conservation of Matter
- Create a Pinhole Camera
- Creating an Electromagnet
- Creating Mini Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Creating Model Working Lungs: Just Breathe
- Crystal Creator! Testing the Resistance of Crystals
- Crystalline Cloth: Modeling Water Treatment Filters
- Curb the Epidemic!
- Dam Forces
- Dam Pass or Fail
- Daylighting Design
- Density Column Lab - Part 1
- Density Column Lab - Part 2
- Design a Bicycle Helmet
- Design a Carrying Device for People Using Crutches
- Design a Collapsible Barrier to Save the Snails!
- Design a Net-Zero Energy Classroom
- Design a Parachute
- Design a Recycling Game!
- Design a Solar City
- Design Air Racer Cars Using Tinkercad
- Design and Build a Rube Goldberg
- Design and Fly a Kite
- Design and Test Soft Materials for Tactile Sensing
- Design Criteria-to-Working Model: Engineer a Sneaker
- Design Devices to Help Astronauts Eat: Lunch in Outer Space!
- Design Step 1: Identify the Need
- Design Step 2: Research the Problem
- Design Step 4: Select a Promising Solution Using Engineering Analysis
- Design Steps 5 and 6: Create and Test a Prototype
- Designing a Frictional Roller Coaster With Math and Physics!
- Designing a Robotic Surgical Device
- Designing a Thermostat
- Designing an Elliptical Pool Table
- Designing and Packaging a Distance-Sensing Product
- Designing and Testing Maglev Train Prototypes
- Designing Medical Devices to Extract Foreign Bodies from Ears
- Designing Musical Art to Help See Sound
- Designing Musical Instruments Using Material Properties
- Designing Prototypes to Save Coral Reefs
- Detecting Flaws With Sound: Exploring Non-Destructive Evaluation (NRE) Techniques
- Determining Densities
- Digest Your Food!
- Disassemble a Click Pen
- Diseases Exposed: ESR Test in the Classroom
- DNA Build
- DNA Profiling & CODIS: Who Robbed the Bank?
- Do Different Colors Absorb Heat Better?
- Do Forest Fires or Cars Produce More CO2 Emissions?
- Does My Model Valve Stack up to the Real Thing?
- Does Weight Matter?
- Don’t Be Tardy! An Arduino Warning System
- Drawing Designs in Detail
- Drifting Continents
- Dripping Wet or Dry as a Bone?
- Earthquakes Living Lab: Designing for Disaster
- Earthquakes Living Lab: Geology and the 1906 San Francisco Quake
- Earthquakes Living Lab: The Theory of Plate Tectonics
- Edible Algae Models
- Edible Rovers
- Eek, It Leaks!
- Efficiency of a Water Heating System
- Efficiency of an Electromechanical System
- Egg Drop
- Egg-cellent Landing
- Electromagnetic Waves Are Everywhere!
- Element, Mixture, Compound
- ELISA and Point of Care Devices
- Energy Choices Game
- Energy Conversions
- Energy Detectives at Work
- Energy Forms and States Demonstrations
- Energy in Our Lives Carousel
- Energy Intelligence Agency
- Energy on a Roller Coaster
- Energy Perspectives
- Energy Sources Research
- Energy Systems
- Engineer a Coin Sorter
- Engineering a Gatorade Gravity Machine
- Engineering a Hydroponic System to Feed a Class!
- Engineering a Milkweed Seed Trap
- Engineering a Minion Rescue
- Engineering a Ping Pong Ball Retriever
- Engineering a Sapling Guard Using Recycled Materials
- Engineering a Seawall to Prevent Storm Erosion
- Engineering a Solution to Study Soil Mechanics
- Engineering a Water Bottle Holder for Student Desks
- Engineering Activities to STOP the Panic Attack!
- Engineering an Animal’s Survival
- Engineering an Electrophoresis Gel Box
- Engineering an Improved Medical Delivery System
- Engineering and the Periodic Table
- Engineering Environmental Solutions: River Dynamics & Mosquito Control
- Engineering Ethics: Evaluating Popular Inventions
- Engineering Friction and Grip
- Engineering Inexpensive Mechanized Farm Tools
- Engineering Pop-Up Books
- Engineering Safety
- Engineering Scaling Removal Using Citric Acid
- Engineering Solutions for a Dry Playground
- Engineering the Efficiency of Alcoholic Fermentation
- Engineering the Perfect Gummy Candy
- Engineers Speak for the Trees
- Enough Energy? Play the Renew-a-Bead Game
- Equal & Opposite Thrust in Aircraft: You’re a Pushover!
- Erosion in Rivers
- Eureka! Or Buoyancy and Archimedes' Principle
- Evaporation and Transpiration: What’s Your Function?
- Exploration of ECG and EMG Technologies
- Exploring Acceleration with an Android
- Exploring Bioluminescence in Aquatic Animals
- Exploring Center of Gravity in Motion Caption Technology
- Exploring Density Solutions Using the Engineering Design Process
- Exploring Heat Transfer: Engineering Energy-Efficient Cooking Systems
- Exploring Light With Holographic Chocolate
- Exploring Light: Absorb, Reflect, Transmit or Refract?
- Exploring the Earth’s Critical Zone with Edible Model Cross Sections
- Exploring the States of Matter with Rock Candy!
- Exploring Variables While Testing & Improving Mint-Mobiles (for Elementary School)
- Fabricating a Focus Tool - Not a Fidget Spinner!
- Faulty Movement
- Feel the Stress
- Filtering: Removing Noise from a Distress Signal
- Find It!
- Flood Causes and Mitigation Strategies for Civil Engineers
- Focus on Fabrics: Putting Materials to Good Use
- Follow the Light
- Forces and Graphing
- Fossil Fondue
- Frictional Force in Hockey: The Puck Stops Here
- From Lake to Tap
- Fun with Air-Powered Pneumatics
- Fun with Bernoulli
- Fun with Leaf Chromatography!
- Future Hospitals: Robotics and Automated Patient Care Engineering
- Gel Engineering
- Get in Gear
- Get Your Charge Away from Me!
- Give an Inch, Take a Foot
- Glaciers, Water and Wind, Oh My!
- Glowing Pokémon Go Patches with EL Panels
- Gone with the Wind Energy: Design-Build-Test Mini Sail Cars!
- Got Energy? Spinning a Food Web
- Graphing the Rainbow
- Gravity-Fed Water System for Developing Communities
- Grow Your Own Algae!
- Gumdrop Atoms
- Gumdrop Ozone Depletion Model: Battling for Oxygen
- Hanging Around: Gravity and Slinky Spring Scales
- Hearing: How Do Our Ears Work?
- Heat Transfer in Solar Dryers
- Heat Transfer Lab and Weather Model: Let’s Get Breezy!
- Helping Hands: Engineering Solutions for Multiple Sclerosis
- Heredity Mix 'n Match
- History and Testing Shapes of Strength for Buildings
- Hold On to That Water! Making Biodegradable Hydrogels
- Household Energy Audit
- Hovercraft Racers!
- How Fast Can a Carrot Rot?
- How Fast Does Water Travel through Soils?
- How High Can a Super Ball Bounce?
- How Much Heat Will It Hold?
- How to Design a Better Smartphone Case
- How to Make Yeast Cells Thrive
- How to Pull Something Heavy
- Human Power
- Humidity? Build a Psychrometer!
- Hydraulic Arm Challenge
- I’m at the End of My (Aluminum) Rope!
- Incoming Asteroid! What's the Problem?
- Inquiry and Engineering: Gliders
- Insulation Materials Investigation
- Insulator Design Challenge
- Into Space!
- Introduction to Circuits and Ohm's Law
- Invent a Backscratcher from Everyday Materials
- Investigating the Properties of Plastic and its Effects on the Environment
- Just Like Kidneys: Semipermeable Membrane Prototypes
- Keep It Hot!
- Keep the Heat in! Testing the Insulation Properties of Materials
- Leaf Etchings to Model Leaf Structure
- Leaning Tower of Pasta
- Learn to Throw, Throw to Learn: A Machine Learning Journey
- Learning Distance and Displacement
- Learning Fear: Exploring Pavlovian Conditioning and Neural Pathways
- Let it Flow! Fluid Viscosity & Temperature
- Let Your Ears Do the Walking
- Let’s Build an Aqueduct!
- Let’s Play: Accessible Toys for Visually Impaired Students
- Let’s Save Our Clothes with Avocados!
- Let's Make Silly Putty
- Light Up Your Machines with Biomimicry!
- Light vs. Heat Bulbs
- Light Your Way: Design-Build a Series Circuit Flashlight
- Light-Up Plush Pals
- LilyTiny Plush Monsters Are Alive!
- Linear Equations Game
- Linear Models and Latex Explosion!
- Living Walls: Choosing a Location with Arduino
- Load It Up!
- Machine Learning for Diabetes Prediction
- Machine-Free Manufacturing
- Machines and Tools, Part II
- Magnetic Attraction
- Make a Shoebox Arcade Controller
- Make an Alarm!
- Make Some Waves
- Make Your Own Recycled Paper
- Make Your Own Temperature Scale
- Making Model Microfluidic Devices Using JELL-O
- Making Sense of Magnification and Designing Magnifiers
- Mars Rover App Creation
- Materials Matter
- Materials Switcheroo: Construct Simple Electrical Switches
- Math Relationships: Scale Model Building Project
- Maze Challenge
- Means, Modes and Medians
- Measurement Certainty: How Certain Are You?
- Measuring Lava Flow
- Measuring Light Pollution
- Measuring Noise Pollution
- Messin' with Mixtures
- Microplastic Extraction of Exfoliating Beads from Cleansers
- Mindful Messages: Engineering Communication Solutions
- Mission Possible - The Voltaic Protocol
- Mixture Dualism of Blood
- Modeling Oil on the Ocean: Testing & Improving Oil Booms
- Molecules: The Movement of Atoms
- Monitoring Noise Levels with a Smart Device
- Mountain Rescue: Transmitting & Receiving Code Messages
- Much More than Pretty Colors
- Music by Touch: Programming Robot Tactile Sensors to Play Sounds
- Musical Images
- My Moon Colony
- Naked Egg Drop
- Name That Metal!
- Nanoparticles at Photocatalytic Speed!
- Natural and Urban "Stormwater" Water Cycle Models
- Navigating a Maze
- Net-Zero Ecological Building Design
- Newspaper Tower
- Night-Light Pennant
- No Valve in Vain
- Northward Ho! Create and Use Simple Compasses
- Obi-Wan Adobe: Engineering for Strength
- Oh Baby! Contractions and Calculations
- Oil and Water: Washing Up with Surfactants
- Oil Spill Clean-Up
- Operation Airdrop: Designing a Solution to Protect Cargo
- Organic Solar Energy and Berries
- Our Sun and Heat Transfer Basics: Heat It Up!
- Paper Airplanes: Building, Testing, & Improving. Heads Up!
- Paper Circuits Greeting Cards
- Paper Drop Design Competition
- Paper Football Physics: Engineering Safer Designs for the Field
- Patterns and Fingerprints
- Periodic Table Intro: Parts of a Whole
- Photovoltaics & Temperature: Ice, Ice, PV!
- Physics Tug of War
- Pill Dissolving Demo
- Polluted Air = Polluted Lungs
- Polygons and Popsicle Trusses
- Pop Rockets
- Potato Power
- Power Drag Lab
- Power for Developing Countries
- Power to the People
- Power Your House with Water
- Powering a Device Using Food
- Problem Solve Your School
- Projectile Motion Using Arduino – Launcher Competition
- Proof of Concept: Miracle Drug Encapsulation
- Prosthetic Party: Build and Test Replacement Legs
- Protect That Pill
- Protect Your Body, Filter Your Water!
- Protecting Our City with Levees
- Protective Fashion! Beach Edition
- Prototyping Engineering Solutions
- Pupillary Response & Test Your Reaction Time
- Python Conditionals Using AI Technology
- Python Functions Using Copilot
- Race to the Top! Modeling Skyscrapers
- Racing with the Sun - Creating a Solar Car
- Radiation Pressure: The Feel of Photons
- Raise the Roof! Engineering Leakproof Roofs
- Reaction Exposed: The Big Chill!
- Reading Hands-free Is the Way for Me!
- Ready to Erupt!
- Ready, Set, Solar! Design a Solar Powered Car
- Recycle Home Toilet Water
- Red Cabbage Chemistry
- Renewable Energy Design: Wind Turbines
- Requirements & Constraints: Making Model Parking Garages
- Resource Extraction: Hi Ho, It's to the Mine We Go
- Reverse Engineering Project: Disassemble, Sketch & Recap
- Reverse Engineering: Ball Bounce Experiment
- Right on Target: Catapult Game
- Robo-mentum: Mass, Velocity, and Momentum Relationships
- Robot Soccer Challenge
- Robots on Ice Engineering Challenge
- Rock Candy Your Body: Exploring Crystallization
- Rock Jeopardy!
- Rocks, Rocks, Rocks: Test, Identify Properties & Classify
- Roll ‘n’ Roller Coaster
- Rooftop Gardens
- Rotary Encoders & Human-Computer Interaction
- Safe Drinking Water
- Saltwater Circuit
- Saving a Life: Heart Valve Replacement
- Scale Model of the Earth
- Scrub the Scum, Save the Shine: Engineering Motor-Driven Brushes
- Seeing All Sides: Orthographic Drawing
- Sensors and Scatterplots
- Sensors for Our Hearts
- Shantytown Construction Redesign
- Shielding from Cosmic Radiation: Part 1 - Building the Payload
- Simon Decoded: Reverse Engineering “Simon Says” Using Computational Thinking
- Simple Snow Load Roof Model Demo: Which Roof Is Tops?
- Sinkhole Emergency!
- Sled Hockey Design Challenge
- Sliding and Stuttering
- Sliding Textbooks
- Small-Scale Modeling of Oil Spill Cleanup Methods
- Smelling the Difference Between Healthy & Cancerous Cells
- Sneaking Up on Sneaker Design
- Snow vs. Water
- So What Is the Density?
- Solar Power
- Solar Sails: The Future of Space Travel
- Solar Water Heater
- Solar Water: Heat it Up!
- Solving Energy Problems
- Solving Everyday Problems Using the Engineering Design Cycle
- Sound Line
- Sound Visualization Stations
- Space Shelter
- Spacecraft Design: Beat the Heat!
- Spaghetti Bridges
- Stack It Up!
- Start Networking!
- States of Matter
- Static Cling
- Stations of Light
- Statistical Analysis of Methods to Repair Cracked Steel
- Statistical Analysis of Temperature Sensors
- Stop Heat from Escaping: Testing Insulation Materials
- Straining out the Dirt
- Straw Bridges
- String Telephones
- Strong-Arm Tactics
- Studying Brain Waves
- Sudsy Cells
- Sugar Spill! Bioremediation Cleanup Experiment
- Sum It Up: An Introduction to Static Equilibrium
- Super Slinger Engineering Challenge
- Survive That Tsunami! Testing Model Villages in Big Waves
- Sustainable Separations Through Chemical Engineering
- Swamp Cooler
- Swing in Time
- Swinging Pendulum
- Swinging with Style
- Swiss Alps Emergency Sled Design
- Take a Seat! Minimizing Pressure and Optimizing Comfort in School Chairs
- Test-a-Beam
- Testing Fundamental Loads
- Testing Model Structures: Jell-O Earthquake in the Classroom
- Testing the Effects of an Earthquake on the Structural Integrity of a Building
- That's Hot! Robot Brain Programming
- The Artificial Bicep
- The Balancing Act
- The Beat Goes On
- The Dirty Water Project: Design-Build-Test Your Own Water Filters
- The Effects of Acid Rain
- The Great Gravity Escape
- The Lunch-Bot
- The Magician's Catapult
- The Mystery of the Contaminated Water – An Engineering Challenge!
- The North (Wall) Star
- The Power in Prosthetics
- The Power of Produce: Powering Up with Fruits and Veggies!
- The Strongest Strongholds
- The Universal Language of Engineering Drawings
- The Water Around Us
- Things That Matter to Flocculants
- Thinking Robotics: Teaching Robots to Make Decisions
- To Heat or Not to Heat?
- To Infinity and Beyond: The Amazing Hydrogels
- To Pollinate or Not to Pollinate
- Tools and Equipment, Part I
- Topo Triangulation
- Tornado Damage!
- Tracing Fluorescent Plastics in an Aquatic Environment
- Tracking a Virus
- Translating Human EMG Signal Readings to Robot Movements
- Trash Talkin'
- Traveling Sound
- Trebuchet Design & Build Challenge
- Trebuchet Launch
- Trigonometric Functions in My Heart: Modeling PPG Pulses with Basic Trigonometric Functions
- Truss Destruction
- Trust in the Truss: Design a Wooden Bridge
- Two-Cell Battery
- Ultrasonic Sensor Robot Design Project: Don't Bump into Me!
- Under Pressure
- Under Pressure: Using Young’s Modulus to Explore Material Properties
- Unraveling Rising Sea Levels: Exploring Density Through Mixtures and Solutions
- Using a Touch Sensor with Arduinos to Trigger an LED and Buzzer
- Using Biodegradable Leaves as Nontoxic Packing Material
- Using Data to Optimize Your Vending Machine
- Using Map Scales to Figure Distances and Areas
- Using Membranes to Remove Toxic Algae
- Using Nature as the Solution: Biomimicry in Engineering
- UV Radiation: Sunscreen SPF Experiment
- Vector Voyage!
- Visualizing Magnetic Field Lines
- Volume & Data: Build the Biggest Box Using One Piece of Paper
- Volumes of Complex Solids
- Walk, Run, Jump!
- Washing Air: Wet Scrubber Pollutant Recovery Method
- Wasting Energy at Home
- Water Bottle Rockets
- Water Cycle: Moving without Wheels
- Water Desalination Plant
- Water Filtration Project: Make Your Own Water Filters
- Water Power
- Water Remediation Lab
- Watershed Delineation
- Waterwheel Work: Energy Transformations and Rotational Rates
- Watt Meters to Measure Energy Consumption
- We Have Liftoff
- Wear’s the Technology?
- Weather Forecasting: How Predictable!
- What are RC Circuits?
- What Is Energy? Short Demos
- What Is the Best Insulator: Air, Styrofoam, Foil or Cotton?
- What Makes an Eruption Explosive?
- What Soundproofing Material Works Best?
- What’s In Our Stars?
- What’s Your Angle? Assessing Wave Refractions
- What's a Kid to Do? Environmental Letter Campaign
- When Should I Drink My Hot Chocolate?
- Who Can Make the Best Coordinate System?
- Wild Wind! Making Weather Vanes to Find Prevailing Winds
- Wind Power
- Wind Power! Designing a Wind Turbine
- Windmill of Your Mind — Distributed Energy Goes to School
- Wind-Powered Sail Cars
- Windy Tunnel
- Wired to Think: Exploring the Brain as an Electrical Circuit
- Yogurt Cup Speakers
- Zero-Energy Housing
- Zooming In and Out with Scale and Systems Thinking
- Action-Reaction Rocket!
- Aqua-Thrusters!
- Biomimicry Project: Do Ptarmigans Have Snowshoes?
- Build a Tower with an Egg on Top
- Build an Anemometer
- Build Your Own Solar USB Charger
- Can You Catch the Water?
- Chromatography
- Clay Boats
- Creating an Electromagnet!
- Creating Model Lungs: Just Breathe!
- Creepy Silly Putty
- Design a Catapult
- Fancy Feet! Stress & Strain Forces in Shoe Design
- Get Your Motor Running
- Hanging Around: Gravity and Slinky Spring Scales
- Hovercraft Racers!
- I Can't Take the Pressure!
- Light Your Way: Design-Build a Series Circuit Flashlight
- Make an Alarm!
- Power, Work and the Water Wheel
- Prosthetic Party: Making New Legs
- Spaghetti Bridges
- Spool Racer Design & Competition
- Straw Bridges
- Sugar Spill Bioremediation Cleanup
- Super Spinners
- The Language of Engineering Drawings
- The Squeeze Is On
- Wheeling It In!
- Will It Conduct?
- Wind Power
- Yogurt Cup Speakers
- ¿Puedes Recoger El Agua?
- ¿Tienen Los Lágopodos Raquetas De Nieve?
- Altavoces En Vasos De Yogurt
- Bobinas de Carreras!
- Botes De Arcilla
- Carreras De Aerodeslizadores!
- Cohete de Acción Reacción!
- Conducirá La Corriente?
- Construir Un Anemómetro
- Construye Un Electroimán!
- Cromatografía
- Diseña Una Catapulta
- El Apretón Está Servido
- El lenguaje de los diseños de ingeniería
- Empújalos!
- Energía Eólica
- Fiesta Protésica
- Haz una Alarma
- Ilumina Tu Camino
- Inspección de la Torre
- No Puedo Soportar La Presión!
- Pesos Pesados
- Pies de Lujo!
- Pon Tu Motor En Marcha
- Potencia, Esfuerzo Y La Rueda Hidráulica
- Propulsores Aquáticos!
- Puentes de Paja
- Puentes de Spaghetti
- Respira!
- Silly Putty Espeluznante!
- Super Trompos
- Vertido de Azúcar!
Maker Challenges
- Adding Helpful Carrier Devices to Crutches
- Augmented Reality Programming Challenge
- Bacteriophage Builder Challenge
- Biodegradable Husk-Bags Design Challenge
- Bouncy Ball Factory
- Build Your Own Night-Light with Arduino
- Building Arduino Light Sculptures
- Control a Servo with Your Phone Using Bluetooth!
- Cool Puppy! A Doghouse Design Project
- Create and Control a Popsicle Stick Finger Robot
- Creative Crash Test Cars
- Design a Better Bandage
- Design Your Own Nano-Polymer Smartphone Case
- Design Your Own Pedometer!
- Design Your Own Snazzy Sneakers
- Do the Robot! Programming a RedBot to Dance
- Engineering a Photocatalytic Delivery System
- Engineering Self-Cleaning Hydrophobic Surfaces
- Having a Ball with Chemistry and Engineering
- Introduction to Arduino: Getting Connected and Blinking LEDs
- Inundation Inspiration
- Keep Your Cool! Design Your Own Cooler Challenge
- Keeping Damp in a Drought
- Make a Sticky-Note Fan with Arduino
- Make and Control a Servo Arm with Your Computer
- Making Dirty Water Drinkable!
- Making Sense of Sensors: Visualizing Sensor Data
- Measure the Milky Way with Stars
- Oil: Clean It Up!
- Out-of-the Box: A Furniture Design + Engineering Challenge
- RGB Color Mixing
- Silkworm Strength!
- Simple Machines and the Rube Goldberg Challenge
- Stop Freewheeling Using Friction!
- Stop the Flopping: Designing Soccer Shin Guards
- The Glow Show Slime Engineering Challenge
- The New and Improved Nanotube: Fighting Breast Cancer
- Toxic Island: Designing Devices to Deliver Goods
- T-Shirt Launcher
- Visualize Your Heartbeat
- Whatever Floats Your Boat!
- Wirelessly Control Lights and Motors Using XBee Communication!