
Science is the essential backbone to figuring out how our world works through prediction and explanations. Engineers apply science and use scientific concepts to help develop solutions to everyday problems and challenges.

Engineering plays an integral role in our daily lives from the moment we wake up to the time we go to sleep. Your digital alarm clock, the breakfast you eat, the clean water you drink, the clothes you wear, the medicine you take, the car you drive, and the light you turn off at the end of the day–all are available courtesy of engineers that used their knowledge of science to make the world we know today.

Science is one of the most significant channels of human learning and serves many functions that benefit our society. It helps establish new knowledge, improves education and enhances the quality of our lives.

Science can be classified into five disciplines: biology, chemistry, environmental science, physics, and earth and space. Each discipline holds vital information that helps engineers develop new technologies and innovations.


Biology is the study of life and living organisms. Biological engineers apply various biological systems to help them modify, enhance or otherwise improve upon current engineering challenges.


Chemistry is the study of the behavior and properties of matter and the natural laws that govern them. Chemical engineers apply the properties of substances and the changes they undergo to help them develop and design chemical manufacturing processes.

Environmental Science

Environmental science explores the interactions between the biological, chemical and physical components and natural phenomena of ecosystems. Environmental engineers apply their understanding of how humans interact with the environment to develop solutions for environmental problems and find ways to live more sustainably.


Physics is the study of how the universe works, from subatomic particles to universe scales. Physics explores the fundamental laws and properties that govern time, space, energy, matter, force and motion. Civil and mechanical engineers use physics to design structures, machines and engines that are physically sound.

Earth and Space

Earth and space is the study of our planet and the solar system; it explores the interconnections between the ocean, land, atmosphere and life on Earth. Aerospace engineers apply their understanding of earth and space to develop technologies for use in aviation and spacecraft.

Our hands-on resources help students make sense of all the different disciplines of science, and applying science through engineering encourages students to dive deeper into their understanding of how science and engineering make the world a better place!

Science Curricula

Empower your students to engage with all things science through our hands-on, design-based resources from TeachEngineering featured here, by grade band.

Grades K-2

  • Air Quality and Particulate Matter
    Air Quality and Particulate Matter

    preview of 'Air Quality and Particulate Matter' Activity

    This activity introduces students to the relationship between air quality and wind. Students work together to learn about the color-coded Air Quality Index (AQI) chart that describes levels of air pollution for a primary transportation-sourced air pollutant—particulate matter (PM)— and what to do du...

  • Sink or Float? Engineering Solutions for a Sticky Situation
    Sink or Float? Engineering Solutions for a Sticky Situation

    preview of 'Sink or Float? Engineering Solutions for a Sticky Situation' Activity

    In this activity, students build a road out of Jell-O that is sturdy enough to drive a toy car across without sinking. Using the full engineering design process, students research and choose available ingredients that will support their car.

  • How High Can a Super Ball Bounce?
    How High Can a Super Ball Bounce?

    preview of 'How High Can a Super Ball Bounce?' Activity

    Students determine the coefficient of restitution (or the elasticity) for super balls. Working in pairs, they drop balls from a meter height and determine how high they bounce. They measure, record and repeat the process to gather data to calculate average bounce heights and coefficients of elastici...

  • The Water Around Us
    The Water Around Us

    preview of 'The Water Around Us' Activity

    In this engineering design activity, students build models of natural sources of water. As they move through the design process, students differentiate between natural sources of water (such as rivers or lakes) and human-made sources of water, such as reservoirs or canals. Students learn how enginee...

  • Soil from Spoiled: Engineering a Compost Habitat for Worms
    Soil from Spoiled: Engineering a Compost Habitat for Worms

    preview of 'Soil from Spoiled: Engineering a Compost Habitat for Worms' Activity

    A unique activity for young learners that combines engineering and biology, students design an optimal environment for red wiggler worms in a compost bin.

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Grades 3-5

  • What Is Energy? Short Demos
    What Is Energy? Short Demos

    preview of 'What Is Energy? Short Demos' Activity

    Three short, hands-on, in-class demos expand students' understand of energy. First, using peanuts and heat, students see how the human body burns food to make energy. Then, students create paper snake mobiles to explore how heat energy can cause motion. Finally, students determine the effect that he...

  • Swinging with Style
    Swinging with Style

    preview of 'Swinging with Style' Activity

    Students experientially learn about the characteristics of a simple physics phenomenon — the pendulum — by riding on playground swings. They use pendulum terms and a timer to experiment with swing variables. They extend their knowledge by following the steps of the engineering design process to desi...

  • Creating Model Working Lungs: Just Breathe
    Creating Model Working Lungs: Just Breathe

    preview of 'Creating Model Working Lungs: Just Breathe ' Activity

    Students explore the inhalation/exhalation process that occurs in the lungs during respiration. Using everyday materials, each student team creates a model pair of lungs.

  • Charge It! All About Electrical Attraction and Repulsion
    Charge It! All About Electrical Attraction and Repulsion

    preview of 'Charge It! All About Electrical Attraction and Repulsion' Activity

    Students use balloons to perform several simple experiments to explore static electricity and charge polarization.

  • Make Your Own Temperature Scale
    Make Your Own Temperature Scale

    preview of 'Make Your Own Temperature Scale' Activity

    Students learn about the difference between temperature and thermal energy. They create thermometers using simple materials and develop their own scales for measuring temperature. They compare their thermometers to a commercial thermometer, and get a sense for why engineers need to understand the pr...

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Grades 6-8

  • Cooler Design Challenge
    Cooler Design Challenge

    preview of 'Cooler Design Challenge' Activity

    Students learn about convection, conduction, and radiation in order to solve the challenge of designing and building a small insulated cooler with the goal of keeping an ice cube and a Popsicle from melting. This activity uses the engineering design process to build the cooler as well as to measure ...

  • Saltwater Circuit
    Saltwater Circuit

    preview of 'Saltwater Circuit' Activity

    Students build a saltwater circuit, which is an electrical circuit that uses saltwater as part of the circuit. Students investigate the conductivity of saltwater, and develop an understanding of how the amount of salt in a solution impacts how much electrical current flows through the circuit.

  • Red Cabbage Chemistry
    Red Cabbage Chemistry

    preview of 'Red Cabbage Chemistry' Activity

    Students take advantage of the natural ability of red cabbage juice to perform as a pH indicator to test the pH of seven common household liquids. Like environmental engineers working on water remediation or water treatment projects, understanding the chemical properties (including pH) of contaminan...

  • Physics Tug of War
    Physics Tug of War

    preview of 'Physics Tug of War' Activity

    Students learn about Newton's second law of motion: force = mass x acceleration. In a tug-of-war experimental setup using paperclips, rubber bands and text books, they collect data and make calculations, seeing that the force required to move a book is proportional to the weight of the book.

  • Small-Scale Modeling of Oil Spill Cleanup Methods
    Small-Scale Modeling of Oil Spill Cleanup Methods

    preview of 'Small-Scale Modeling of Oil Spill Cleanup Methods' Activity

    Environmental engineers play a big role in the cleanup of oil spills. But how do you clean up a huge amount of oil that has been mixed in a body of water like the ocean? In this activity, students simulate a spill and cleanup and learn the effectiveness of different methods.

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Grades 9-12

  • Rock and Boat: Density, Buoyancy & Archimedes’ Principle
    Rock and Boat: Density, Buoyancy & Archimedes’ Principle

    preview of 'Rock and Boat: Density, Buoyancy & Archimedes’ Principle' Activity

    Students are challenged with determining whether the water level in a pond rises, drops or remains the same after a large rock is thrown overboard from a floating boat in a pond.

  • Reaction Exposed: The Big Chill!
    Reaction Exposed: The Big Chill!

    preview of 'Reaction Exposed: The Big Chill!' Activity

    In the presence of water, citric acid and sodium bicarbonate (aka baking soda) react to form sodium citrate, water, and carbon dioxide. Students investigate this endothermic reaction. They test a stoichiometric version of the reaction followed by testing various perturbations on the stoichiometric v...

  • Measuring Viscosity
    Measuring Viscosity

    preview of 'Measuring Viscosity' Activity

    Students calculate the viscosity of various household fluids by measuring the amount of time it takes marble or steel balls to fall given distances through the liquids. They experience what viscosity means, and also practice using algebra and unit conversions.

  • Ohm's Law I
    Ohm's Law I

    preview of 'Ohm's Law I' Activity

    Students experiment to increase the intensity of a light bulb by testing batteries in series and parallel circuits. They learn about Ohm's law, power, parallel and series circuits, and ways to measure voltage and current.

  • Let's Make Silly Putty
    Let's Make Silly Putty

    preview of 'Let's Make Silly Putty' Activity

    Students make two different formulations of imitation Silly Putty with varying degrees of cross-linking. They witness how changes in the degree of cross-linking influence the putty properties.

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