Materials List:
Sustainable Separations Through Chemical Engineering
Part 1:
Each student needs:
- Timeline of Climate Change Worksheet
- scissors
- (optional) glue
- (optional) piece of paper (to glue timeline events to)
Part 2:
Each student needs:
Each group needs:
Distillation Activity
- 1 500 mL beaker
- 1 graduated cylinder
- 250 mL water
- 15 g salt
- 1 glass stirring rod
- 4 pH strips
- sheet of foil that fits atop the beaker
- hot plate
- 1 Styrofoam cup
- 1 digital scale
- 1 weigh boat
- 1 spatula
Crystallization Activity
- 2 clear plastic cups
- 50 mL water
- 10 g Epsom salt
- 10 g sodium carbonate
- 1 graduated cylinder
- 2 glass stirring rods
- 1 digital scale
- 2 weigh boats
Adsorption Activity
- 1 250 mL beaker
- 100 mL water
- 100 mL vegetable oil
- 1 graduated cylinder
- 1 clean, absorbent sponge
Membrane Activity
- 1 plastic cup
- 50 mL water
- filter paper cut into strips (must be thicker than coffee filters; see example)
- 1 graduated cylinder
- red food coloring
- blue food coloring
Absorption and Stripping Activity
- 1 laptop or tablet
- 1 empty cup
- 1 cup of water
- 1 clean, absorbent sponge
- hands for squeezing
Extraction Activity
- 1 laptop or tablet
Part 3:
Each student needs:
Each group needs:
- sieving trays of various mesh sizes
- funnels
- coffee filters
- beakers
- water
- sponges
- hot plates
- distillation kit (if available)
- cups
- scales
- pH strips
- neoprene clone collars (see example)