Materials List:
Wristwatch Design for the Visually Impaired
Each group needs:
- Guided Research, one per student
- Engineering Design Project Packet, one per student
- Wristwatch Project Description, one per student
- Engineering Design Pre-Test, one per student
- Engineering Design Post-Test, one per student
- scissors
- ruler, one per student
- pencil, one per student
To share with the entire class:
- colored pencils or markers
- graph paper
- drawing paper (enough for the prototype and the final project)
- masking tape (enough for the prototype and the final project)
- clear tape (enough for the prototype and the final project)
- hot glue gun(s) and glue (enough for the prototype and the final project)
- assorted cardboard, foam-core board, matting board and cardstock (enough for the prototype and the final project)
- assorted lengths of string, ribbon, etc. (enough for the prototype and the final project)
- box cutters
- tin snips or heavy-duty scissors