Materials List:
Lending a Hand:
Teaching Forces through Assistive Device Design
Teaching Forces through Assistive Device Design
For the teacher's introductory presentation:
- EDP Assistive Hand Device Presentation
- projecting capability
Each group needs:
- 3 pairs scissors
- computer with access to the Internet (for research)
- Problem Statement Worksheet (one per student)
- List the Client's Criteria Worksheet (one per student)
- Materials Cost Table & Budget Sheet (one per student)
- Reflecting on the Engineering Design Process Worksheet (one per student)
- paper and pencils/pen (for each student)
For the entire class to share:
- ~100 feet clear vinyl tubing (preferably ½" outer diameter, 3/8" inner diameter)
- 1 box regular-sized craft sticks
- 1 box jumbo-sized craft sticks
- 1 roll duct tape
- 1 roll masking tape
- 10-lb. bag play sand
- ~1,000 feet polyester string
- 4-10 electronic scales or triple beam balances
- 4-10 force meters or spring scales
- 4-10 100-ml graduated cylinders
- 4-5 6-8 oz. clear plastic cups
- (optional) 4-5 tube cutters
- (optional) dynamometer
- computer and projector, to show the class the PowerPoint® presentation