Materials List:
Off-Road Wheelchair Challenge
Each group needs:
- cardstock strips
- cardboard strips
- plastic drinking straws
- plastic coffee stirrers
- hot glue gun with hot glue sticks
- scissors
- 3 rulers, one per student
- measuring tape
- graph paper and pencils
- client model, such as a doll or an action figure (or any object to represent a person that students can measure to gain dimensions for the wheelchair prototype and that could ride in the wheelchair during testing)
- Off-Road Wheelchair Packet, one per student
- computers, for internet research
To share with the entire class (for testing):
- simulated grassy field surface made from a cardboard box cover base (12 x 19 in [~30 x 50 cm) lined with a piece of high-pile carpet
- simulated sandy beach surface made from a cardboard box cover base (12 x 19 in [~30 x 50 cm) lined with sand and fish tank gravel
- simulated wooded trail surface made from a cardboard box cover base (12 x 19 in [~30 x 50 cm) lined with randomly placed straw and cardboard scraps
- 3 spring scales