Materials List:
Exploring Light:
Absorb, Reflect, Transmit or Refract?
Absorb, Reflect, Transmit or Refract?
- Exploring Light Properties! Worksheet, one per person
- What have you learned today? Handout, one per person
Station 1: Making Rainbows (Consider making several of these stations, depending on class size.)
- glass bell jar filled with water
- small, compact mirror
- LED flashlight
Station 2:
- aluminum foil
- plastic wrap
- wax paper
- mirror
- LED flashlight
Station 3:
- finger or hand
- cheek
- leg
- LED flashlight
Station 4:
- tissue paper, various colors
- notebook paper
- cardboard
- LED flashlight
For teacher use:
- printout(s) of the Electromagnetic Spectrum Visual Aid