Materials List:
Magnetic or Not?
Each group needs:
- 1 ceramagnet (a ceramic magnet made of iron, nickel, or beryllium oxides in clay; these are available online from Sargent-Welch and other companies for about $5)
- 1 steel item (anything from the classroom is acceptable; hardware is most relevant to a recycling yard)
- 1 iron item (anything from the classroom is acceptable)
- 1 aluminum item (anything from the classroom is acceptable; soda cans are most relevant to a recycling yard)
- 1 plastic item (anything from the classroom is acceptable; plastic bottles are most relevant to a recycling yard)
- 1 wood item (anything from the classroom is acceptable)
- 1 brass item (anything from the classroom is acceptable; furniture hardware is most relevant to a recycling yard)
- Items composed of other substances that can be found conveniently and at no cost can be added
- Magnetic or Not? Worksheet, one per student