Materials List:
Electrocardiograph Building
For the basic pre-built EKG circuit built by the teacher:
- 4 - 10k resistors
- 1 - 10k variable resistor
- 1 - 39k resistor
- 1 - 47k resistor
- 1 - 100k resistor
- 1 - 220k resistor
- 2 - 470k resistors
- 2 - 1M resistors
- 2 - 470pF capacitors
- 1 - 1uF capacitor
- 1 - 2.2nF capacitor
- 1 - 4.7nF capacitor
- 5 - 741 op amps
- 4 - electronic project boxes
- 1 - breadboard
- Plus an oscilloscope, power supply, electrodes, wires, etc., as described in the EKG Diagram with Instructions
- overhead projector, to go over handout answers with the class
Most components can be found at Jameco at or RadioShack at