Materials List:
Engineering Ethics:
Evaluating Popular Inventions
Evaluating Popular Inventions
Each group needs:
- set of 16 "best inventions of the year," such as from Time Magazine's annual ranking at; also provided in Top Inventions of the Year Set for easier printing; print one invention (picture and description) per page; alternatively, find a more current selection of "inventions of the year" on the Internet
- 2 stickers per student, such as two colors of post-it notes, to designate first and second choices
- Activity Worksheet, one per student
- Code of Ethics for Engineers; reprinted by permission of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
- printout of the "Car Mechanic Dreams up a Tool to Ease Births" New York Times article at, one per student; also provided in this reading document for easier printing
To share with the entire class:
- an extra printout of the group set of 16 "best inventions of the year" (pictures and descriptions) to post around the classroom in a gallery-walk style
- Ethics in Engineering Day 1 Presentation, a PowerPoint® file
- Ethics in Engineering Day 2 Presentation, a PowerPoint® file
- computer and projector, to show the slide presentations to the class