Materials List:
Engineering a Better Cast
Each group needs:
- laptop
- whiteboard with markers
- scale
- hot glue gun
- worksheets:
- Recipe of a Bone/Deconstruct a Bone Pre-Assessment (individual)
- Sketching Worksheet (one per group)
- Initial Prototype Idea Individual Worksheet (individual)
- Concept Screening and Selection Worksheet (one per group)
- How to Create a Scientific Poster/Video Instructional Worksheet (one per group)
- Grade Sheet for scoring the scientific poster & video (one per group)
For the entire class to share:
- Based on prototype sketches, materials may include:
- adhesives/glues
- beads
- cardboard boxes
- checkers
- electrical tape/duct tape
- foam of any shape/size
- office supplies – rubber bands, push pins, paper clips
- jump ropes
- plastic placemats
- scissors/staplers
- slinky
- wire
- zip ties
- blood pressure cuff or similar pressure gauge for testing (optional)