Materials List:
Let’s Save Our Clothes with Avocados!
Each group needs:
- 2 unmarked containers with lids to hold avocado dye (must hold a minimum of 3 oz.)
- 6 oz. of avocado dye (see Before the Activity)
- 1 plastic pipette (optional: a pipette could be shared between team members, or you can have one for every team member)
- 1 weigh boat (or other container) for holding the baking soda or vinegar (large enough to hold at least 3 tsp. of those items)
- 1 tsp. measuring tool
- 1-3 tsp. of baking soda or vinegar
For the entire class to share:
- 2 extra unmarked containers to hold 3 oz. of avocado dye for teacher (for modeling)
- 1 extra pipette for teacher (for modeling)
- 1 extra weigh boat for holding 2 tsp. of baking soda or vinegar for teacher (for modeling)
- 1 stained item of clothing (e.g., a white cotton t-shirt with a grass stain). See Troubleshooting Tips for more guidance.
- 3 cups of baking soda (distributed between groups and for use on Day 4)
- 3 cups of white vinegar (distributed between groups and for use on Day 4)
- 1 pan with lid (should hold at least 4 quarts of liquid)
- 1 container to store the excess dye (should hold at least 4 quarts of liquid)
- 1 container (large enough to submerge the stained item of clothing in water)
- stove
- sieve/colander
- optional: containers for transporting or freezing avocado dye if needed
- minimum of 4 peels and pits of avocados, chopped into pieces and washed
- engineering design process anchor chart poster (grade-level appropriate)
- paper towels
- distilled water (or tap water if distilled is unavailable)