Materials List:
Ready, Set, Solar!
Design a Solar Powered Car
Design a Solar Powered Car
Each student group needs:
- Solar Rover Kit-1 kit per each student pair or 1 kit for classroom demonstration of activity
- aluminum cans, small milk cartons, small milk cartons typically available in school cafeterias, plastic water bottles, or any variety of recyclable materials to use as the base of the solar car
- Data Collection Worksheet for each student group
- Exit Ticket for each student group
- science notebooks for each student group (can be made by students)
Class Needs:
- copy of Rosie Revere, Engineer, by Andera Beaty, or the video
- large chart tablet for brainstorming
- recycled materials
- scissors
- tape
- screwdriver (5)
- construction paper & items to decorate car
- glue