Materials List:
Liquid Crystal Thermometers
Each group needs:
- safety goggles
- safety gloves
- funnel
- digital scale
- weigh paper
- three small 20 ml glass vials
- cholesteryl oleyl carbonate 0.65 g per group, 25 g packs available online
- cholestreryl pelargonate 0.25 g per group, 100 g available online
- cholesteryl benzonate 0.10 g per group, 25 g available online
- clear contact paper (50 cm x 50 cm), two squares
- scissors
- small metal spatula, paintbrush, or popsicle sticks
- Liquid Crystal Lab Student Sheet, one per student
To share with the entire class:
- hot plate or heat gun
Additional “Before the Activity” materials:
For each student:
- one small glass mason jar
- kitchen grade string or twine
- pencil or popsicle stick
- Rock Candy Instructions and Observations Sheet
To share with the entire class:
- sugar
- water
- food coloring
- a pot (or sterile beaker)
- hot plate or stove