Materials List: Safe Drinking Water

Day 1:

Each student needs:

For the class to share:

  • 1 laptop/computer with project and internet access (to show video)

Day 2:

Each student needs:

For the class to share:

  • 1 laptop/computer with project and internet access (to show video)

Day 3:

Each group needs:

  • 1 plastic 2-liter bottle with the base cut off
  • 1 ruler
  • 1 cup of dirty water from a local body of water
  • 1 plastic cup (to collect filtered water)

For the class to share:

  • coffee filters
  • gravel (large and small)
  • sand (smooth and coarse)
  • marker (to label filtered water cups)
  • (optional) carbonated charcoal for one group to use

Day 4:

Each group needs:

Day 5:

Each group needs:

  • 1-2 cups of water (with 2-3 drops of food coloring)
  • 1 plastic 2-liter bottle with the base cut off
  • 2-3 clear plastic cups to collect the water samples
  • activated charcoal (presoaking will take away its darker color)
  • 4 cotton balls
  • Filtration System Design Packet

For the class to share:

  • water quality tester
  • 1 laptop/computer with project and internet access (to show video)
  • food coloring