Materials List:
Wizardry and Chemistry
For teacher introductory presentation:
- movie clip of Harry choosing his wand from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (show students a portion of a video of the movie, or use the 3:55 minute video clip of that part of the movie on YouTube at
- 1 (or more) sparkler(s), made with materials and procedures described in this document
- lab surface/table with stationary lighter or Bunsen burner
- whiteboard, markers and erasers
Each group needs:
- 9 g dextrin (starch)
- 20 ml distilled water (available at grocery stores)
- 20 cm length 2 mm diameter Fe wire (iron wire available at hardware stores)
- 150 ml beaker
- stir rod
- hot plate
- test tube rack
- 18 x 150 mm test tube
- oven capable of 120° C
- aprons, goggles and fume hood
- scale with weighing dishes, to measure ingredients
- wash bottle, for cleaning glassware
- (optional) hair dryer
- W&C Student Lab Handout, one per student
Sparkler Chemistry 1: "Gryffindor" (ingredients for one wand)
- 5 g iron powder (-200 mesh)
- 1.0 g magnesium powder (-325 mesh)
- 7.0 g aluminum powder (-40 + 325 mesh)
- 6 g barium nitrate
- 25 g potassium nitrate
NOTE: The following ingredients are available from Flinn Scientific, Inc. (, Alfa Aesar (, or Sigma Aldrich (
- powdered metals: iron, aluminum, magnesium
- nitrates: potassium and barium nitrate
- miscellaneous: dextrin, iron wire, distilled water