Materials List:
Battle of the Beams
Each group needs:
- 1 aluminum foil mold (0.5 x 0.5 x 5 inches; 1.27 x 1.27 x 12.7 cm; see below)
- 4 party-size Laffy Taffy® candies
- 510 ml tap water
- 1 glass stir rod
- 1 hot plate
- 2 beakers
- 1 graduated cylinder
- 1 thermometer
- 1 oven mitt or glove rated for a minimum of 350 °F
- 1 metal or plastic tray ~1 inch (2.54 cm) deep
- lab aprons and safety goggles/glasses, for each student
- Battle of the Beams Activity Worksheet, one per student
To share with the entire class:
- 1 balance, for measuring reinforcements
- 1 box spaghetti noodles (dry, uncooked, for use as a reinforcement phase)
- Nerds® candy (for use as a reinforcement phase)
- 1 bag long-grained rice (for use as a reinforcement phase)
- plastic containers to hold each type of reinforcement
- 2 flat tables spaced ~3 inches apart (alternative: 2 ring stands with horizontal extensions)
- spring scale, or other device for measuring weight (optional, if want to continuously measure beam load)
- assorted weights that can be hung by string or placed in/on weight container/pan
- fishing line (10-pound test) or string
- scissors, to cut fishing line/string
- 1 paper towel
- soap and water at sink, for cleaning glassware
- (optional) yardstick
- (optional) first place team prize (perhaps leftover candies)
To make an aluminum foil mold, one per group:
- 9-in x 12-in sheet of aluminum foil (~23-cm x ~30-cm)
- masking tape
- scissors
- ruler
- Mold Construction Instructions