Materials List:
Oil Spill Clean-Up
Each pair needs (be sure to use the same exact materials and amounts of liquid for each pair to ensure constant variables):
- tubs or foil baking pans with water (x2 for each pair when they would like to choose different materials)
- water
- vegetable oil: amount depends on tray; use a 1:4 oil to water ratio
- 2-3 different brands of cotton balls
- 2-3 different brands of sponges
- 2-3 different brands of paper towels
- cotton swabs (such as Q-Tips)
- eyedroppers
- cocoa powder
- spoons
- 500 mL beakers
- ruler
- Oil Spill Clean-Up Worksheet
- chart paper
- blue food coloring (optional)
For the entire class to share:
- poster paper
- markers