Materials List:
Engineering a Milkweed Seed Trap
Each group needs:
- lab notebook for each student
- writing and drawing supplies (pencils, markers, crayons, etc.)
- other classroom supplies as needed (glue, paper, etc.)
- model of seed pod with seed attached to parachute
- Pre/Post-Quiz, one for each student
- Seed Trap Planning Worksheet, one for each student
- Learning Objective Worksheet, one for each student
- Project Rubrics, one for each group
For the entire class to share:
- The Dandelion Seed by Cris Arbo
- Explore the Life Journey of One of the Winged Wonders of the World by Ann Hobbie
- If You Hold a Seed by Elly MacKay
- various recyclable materials such as old containers (Note: collect in advance of activity)
- sunflower seeds in their shells
- laptop and projector
- seed pods for phenomena/introduction and for final demonstrations, available online from Eden Brothers seed store
For teacher:
- pot
- soil
- seed pods for phenomena/introduction and for final demonstrations, available online from Eden Brothers seed store
- quart jar with lid
Note to teacher: It is possible to order, sprout, and grow milkweed to have milkweed seed pods (it takes about 6 and 8 weeks to grow from seed) or collect seed pods locally. If planting, plant a lot of milkweed as soon as possible. It is easy to grow and maintain. As the plant makes its seed pod, collect them in a glass jar with the lid loosely covering it until it pops open. Then close the jar tight so the seeds won’t fly away.