Materials List:
To Pollinate or Not to Pollinate
Each group needs:
- Flower model
- 4 sheets of tissue paper or construction paper (for flower petals)
- pipe cleaner (for flower stem)
- scissors
- tape (masking, Scotch, painters)
- Pollen
- paper bowl (to hold the “pollen” – cheese puffs)
- 3-4 cups of cheese puffs (one for each design iteration and test)
- Materials to test
- 2 strips of Velcro, ~75mm to 100 mm long
- 2 wooden popsicle sticks
- square of tin foil, 50 mm x 50 mm
- sponge (cut in half)
- (optional) square of felt, 50 mm x 50 mm
- 2 craft sticks
- 2 rubber bands
- poster paper or large Post-It notes
- 2-3 pairs of latex gloves, one per student
- crayons or colored markers
- Pollen Collection Data Worksheet, one per student
- Pre-Assessment, one per student
- Post-Assessment, one per student
For the entire class to share:
- markers
- balance scale