Materials List:
Sea Turtle Eggs:
Washed to Sea?
Washed to Sea?
Teacher will need:
- sheet of chart paper
- copies of the following books (check availability at your school or local library or through Amazon):
- One Tiny Turtle by Nicola Davies
- Sea Turtle Scientist by Steve Swinburne
- Follow the Moon Home by Phillipe Cousteau
- sticky notes
- copies of attachments, as needed
- Engineering Design Process from
- Sea Turtle Read-Aloud Discussion Questions
- Sea Turtle Design Rubric
- Stakeholder Proposal Rubric
- "hurricane simulator” materials such as a fan, access to a faucet, watering can and/or bucket, etc.
Each student needs:
- pencil
- science or lab notebook (optional)
- copies of attachments, as needed
- Hurricane Irma News Article
- Final Design Selection
- Designs in Different Views
- Testing Reflections
- 3D Pen Practice (optional, for extension)
Each group needs:
- computer access (laptop or desktop computer)
- Sea Turtle Design Rubric
- Stakeholder Proposal Rubric
- recyclable materials such as cardboard, paper, toilet paper tubes, aluminum foil, or plastic bottles; a variety of materials allows students to flex their creativity
- For testing, either:
- plastic or foil pan or tray in which to test the structures; 31.75 cm x 26 cm (12.5” x 10.25”) available online
- large plastic drop cloth, available online
- 1-2 cups of sand
- 8-10 ping-pong balls
OPTIONAL: To share with the entire class:
- 3D printer; 3D pen, available online