Materials List:
Naturally Organized
Each group needs:
- glue sticks
- pencils
- scissors
- crayons
- Naturally Organized Lab Notebook (1 notebook per student)
- Insect Investigation Recording Sheet (1 sheet per student)
- lab safety glasses
- job nametags (1 for each job: materials engineer, manufacturing engineer, structural engineer, biological engineer)
To share with the entire class: (Note: most of the texts below should be available at your local library or through an interlibrary loan service; they are also available on Amazon, or even through your local bookstore).
- Wild Ideas: Let Nature Inspire Your Thinking by Elin Kelsey
- Bees Build Beehives by Elizabeth Raum
- Mighty Ants: Exploring an Ant Colony by Wiley Blevins
- Animal Architects: Amazing Animals Who Build Their Homes by Julio Antonio Blasco
- talking chips (optional: see Troubleshooting)
- chart paper
- chart markers
- variety of commercial organizers
- mesh holders, three-compartment organizer, supply organizer, cosmetic organizer, plastic storage caddy, etc.
- Geosafari Ant Factory (or other similar product, available online)
- live harvester ants (the Ant Factory contains a certificate to obtain ants by mail)
- 2 cups of sand
- collection of insect books (optional: see Supplemental Book Suggestions below)
- cardstock
- cardboard
- felt sheets
- foam sheets
- beading wire
- heavy duty packing tape
- glue gun
- stapler
- tape measures or ruler
- string
- (optional) timer, for timed discussions on Day 6
Supplemental Book Suggestions:
- Nature Got There First: Inventions Inspired by Nature by Phil Gates
- A Wasp Builds a Nest: See Inside a Paper Wasp's Nest and Watch It Grow by Kate Scarborough (optional)
- Insect Homes (The World of Insects) by Bobbie Kalman
- Ant Cities by Arthur Dorros
- National Geographic Readers: Animal Architects by Libby Romero