Materials List:
Design a Soundproof Room
Each group needs:
- shoe box or tissue box with the top removed (note: each group’s boxes should be roughly the same size; have the students determine this during the Decibels and Acoustical Engineering lesson)
- scissors
- glue
- roll of tape
To share with the entire class:
- portable speaker and two smart phones (for decibel testing and sound generation)
- two apps from the App store:
- Tone Generator
- Decibel X: dB, dBA Noise Meter
- bubble wrap (cut into 30 cm x 30 cm pieces)
- steel wool
- Play-doh
- parchment paper (cut into 10 cm x 15 cm pieces)
- aluminum foil (cut into 10 cm x 15 cm pieces)
- sponges
- Styrofoam plates
- felt (cut into 10 cm x 15 cm pieces)
- notecards
- painter’s tape
- cotton balls
- newspaper
- computer paper
- straws
- paper plates
- craft pom-pomspipe cleaners
- corkboard
- fleece (cut into 10 cm x 15 cm pieces)
- craft sticks
- foam sheets
Note: see Post-Introduction Assessment for more information on how much material students are allowed to use in their design. Depending on the class size, this will determine how much material to purchase.