Materials List:
Android Pendulums
Each group needs:
- supplies for pendulum construction and attachment to ceiling, such as string, tape, cable ties, rubber bands, cardboard, binder clips
- ceiling, from which to hang a pendulum
- ruler, for measuring pendulum length
- scale, for measuring the pendulum bob mass
- protractor, for measuring the pendulum angle/amplitude
- (optional) balance weights, to adjust the pendulum mass
- AccelDataCapture.apk, an Android application
- Android device, such as a smartphone or tablet; must be an Android 2.2 or higher to use the AccelDataCapture.apk file
- AccelDataCapture Documentation, one per group
- Data Collection Sheet 1, Data Collection Sheet 2 and Post-Activity Quiz, one each per student
- (optional) computers with spreadsheet software
- (optional) computers capable of App Inventor programming