Materials List:
Consult for the Conductive Circuit Card Company
Each student receives the Circuit Card Company Conductive Paint Report.
Each group needs a pre-made card element with copper tape by the teacher which uses:
- 3-volt cell CR2032 battery
- 3 mm through-hole LED, available online
- two ~5 cm pieces of copper tape
- transparent tape
- a choice of decorations or printed designs for the front of the card (see below for details on LED and batteries)
Each group needs:
- paint brushes, sponge paint brushes or cosmetic sponges
- conductive paint or a small container of copper paint; conductive and copper paints are available online
- water container (to clean brushes)
- paper towels
- transparent tape
- pre-cut stencils from transparencies, available online
- pens
To share with the entire class on a Resource Table:
- cardstock: a Blank Template pre-printed using your own images or those from the Template 1 or Template 2 in the attachments and pre-cut; four card elements from each piece of standard printer paper
- scissors
- art supplies such as markers, stickers, pre-printed images, pre-cut shapes, glue, glitter, magazine pages, construction or other colored paper
- (optional) blow dryer for drying paint
- (optional) multimeter(s) for Extension 1, and for older students, extra cardstock, paint for resistance test cards.
- (optional) extra paper for Extension 2
- (optional) copper tape, extra LEDs, batteries and cardstock for Extension 3, the two-LED activity