Materials List:
Operation Build a Bridge and Get Over It
Each group needs:
- 100 wooden tongue depressors or craft sticks
- Elmer's white school glue (NOT wood glue)
- ruler
- paper and pencil, to sketch and re-sketch bridge designs
- Pre-Activity Quiz, one per student
- Mission Possible Activity Worksheet, one per student
- Post-Activity Quiz, one per student
- computer with Internet connection, for research
- safety glasses, one pair per student, to use during testing
To share with the entire class:
- (optional) 8 x 10-inch printouts of a few broken bridges from around the world, such as the four pictured in Broken Bridge Photos Visual Aid, slipped into a manila envelope, for the activity introduction
- binder clips (clamp-style paper clips), used to clamp together bridges while drying
- small hand saws
- a way to test bridge strength, such as science lab hook masses or a hanging bucket with rocks, sand or other weights, with the bridge spanning a gap between two tables placed some distance apart; alternatively, use bridge-breaker equipment if available
- scale
- calculator
- (optional) camera