Materials List:
Nanotechnology in Action:
Organic Electronics
Organic Electronics
For the teacher’s introductory presentations:
- What will people wear in the future? – The Economist
- Welcome to Project Jacquard – Google ATAP
- projector and computer to show videos
Each group needs:
- 34 g (~1/4 cup) sodium alginate, food grade
- 10 g calcium chloride (CaCl2) flakes; lab grade preferable (if not available, substitute with road deicing pellets)
- 50 mg graphite
- food coloring (optional)
- 200 ml deionized water
- 2 glass beakers
- 2 plastic spoons or wooden spatulas
- 5 ml pipette or plastic syringe
- glass stirring rod
- paper towels
- Student Handout, one per student
To share with the entire class:
- blender, ruler(s), refrigerator, and multimeter