Materials List: Cooked, Salted, or Lysed—the Survivor:
Investigative Options that Select for Polyvalency or Polyresistance

Materials for Option 1

  • personal protection equipment (PPE)
  • autoclave
  • culture chambers
  • laminar flow benches (or a comparable sterile workbench)
  • storage under refrigeration
  • micropipettes
  • Parafilm M®
  • petri dishes
  • live bacterial hosts are available from, such as Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida (2-4 bacterial hosts are recommended)
  • has phage culture kits

Materials for Option 2

Each group needs:

  • 20 mung beans seeds / group
  • NaCl
  • distilled water
  • petri dishes
  • cotton gauze/sterile paper towels
  • 500 mL - 1 L beakers
  • stirring rod
  • hot plate
  • strainer with handle
  • fine-mesh bag
  • twine
  • access to sink with cold water
  • small stone or other weight
  • thermometer
  • forceps or tweezers
  • timer