Materials List:
Mission Possible - The Voltaic Protocol
Each group will need:
- safety goggles (one pair per student)
- gloves (one pair per student)
- 2 beakers (500 ml)
- graduated cylinder (250 ml)
- copper sulfate (CuSO4) solution (1.0M, 250 mL)
- zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) solution (1.0M, 250 mL)
- 2-4 pieces of electrical wiring each with alligator clips
- strip of copper metal (long enough to sit half submerged in the 250 mL copper sulfate solution)
- strip of zinc metal (long enough to sit half submerged in the 250 mL zinc sulfate solution)
Salt Bridge
- sodium chloride (NaCl) solution (50 mL)
- pipette (plastic or glass)
- 20-cm filter paper strips OR filter paper folded to ~1 cm thick and long enough to touch the liquids in each 250 mL beaker
- How to Create a Galvanic Cell Student Handout (one per student)
- How to Create a Galvanic Cell Student Worksheet (one per student)
- battery-powered device to test (such as a LED-emitting light, clock, simple motor, etc.) Note: In theory, any battery-operated device should work. However, it is important to think about the amount of voltage that's required to power the device and how easily it can be accessed using simple wiring from the voltaic cell. Ideally, a small light bulb or a small buzzer or alarm are useful because they already have a way to easily connect to the alligator clips or any other existing wires, and they don't require a lot of voltage to power them. Buzzer alarms are available on Amazon at a low cost.
For the class to share:
- computer with projector to display video.
- waste containers for byproducts of chemical reactions (metal ion waste solutions)