Materials List:
The Power of Mechanical Advantage
Each group needs a full set of the following construction materials for one pulley system:
- 1 platform 12" x 20" x ¼" thick (for the mounting template; see Pulley Set-Up Assembly Instructions); use basswood or Plexiglas® or other durable material
- 1 platform 9" x 9" x ¼" thick (for the platform to hold the load; see Pulley Set-Up Assembly Instructions); use basswood or Plexiglas® or other durable material
- 2 curved metal screw hooks (3/16")
- 1 screw (1-½" L x 3/16")
- 6 nuts (3/16")
- package of cable/zip ties (assorted colors)
- power drill
- 3/16" diameter drill bit (appropriate for wood and/or Plexiglas®)
- string or high-test fishing line (such as 25-lb weight)
- 2 LEGO EV3 Intelligent Bricks (2 x $145)
- Additional LEGO Technic parts for the construction of the pulley systems (~$100)