Materials List:
When Should I Drink My Hot Chocolate?
Each student needs:
- graphing calculator, such as a TI-84 or similar model
- lab apron, insulated gloves and safety goggles
- Hot Chocolate Worksheet
- Specific Heat Capacity Handout
For Parts 1 and 2, each group needs a thermometer (the simpler and less-costly option) OR the Arduino and temperature sensor-related items listed below:
- (optional) 1 computer with open-source Arduino Software (IDE) installed
- (optional) 1 Arduino board, such as the assembled Arduino Uno R3 for $24.95 at Adafruit
- (optional) 1 breadboard, such as the half-size breadboard for $5.00 at Adafruit
- (optional) 1 DS18B20 digital temperature sensor and 4.7k Ω resistor, such as the waterproof DS18B20 digital temperature sensor + extras for $9.95 at Adafruit
- (optional) Thermal Sensor Program, downloaded via links in the Arduino software
- (optional) One Wire Arduino Library, installed via Arduino software
For Part 1: Cooling Rate, each group needs:
- 1 cup, 8-ounce paper or Styrofoam
- boiling water, 6 fluid ounces, made with an electric kettle or on a lab hot plate
- liquid measuring cup, for the teacher to use for all groups
- 1 instant hot chocolate packet, such as a .71-ounce packet of Nestle® Hot Cocoa Mix
- a way to measure time, up to 13 minutes, such as a stopwatch, wristwatch or wall clock
For Part 2: Specific Heat Capacity, each group needs:
- 2 8-ounce Styrofoam coffee cups
- 1 plastic coffee cup lid
- scissors or utility knife, something to make small holes in the plastic lid
- 1 stirring rod, such as coffee stirrers or lab glass stirrers
- ~50 ml (1.69 fluid ounces) of room temperature hot chocolate liquid; save and re-use the cooled hot chocolate liquid from Part 1
- 100 g piece of iron, such as from this hooked weight set for $38.95 at Home Science Tools
- beaker; size may vary; in which to heat a 100 g piece of iron in boiling water
- water, to half-fill the beaker
- hot plate
- tongs
- digital scale
- (optional) clamp or ring stand to steady the cup
- Arduino and temperature sensor (same as above) OR thermometer
- lab safety gear (same as above)