Materials List:
Design and Test a Ping-Pong Paddle
Each group needs:
- Design Challenge Handout, one per student
- Paddle Testing Handout, one per student
- meter stick
- store-bought ping-pong paddle, also available on Amazon
- ping-pong ball
- materials to build ping-pong paddle
- Paddle Core Template
- core materials
- 3 mm (or ⅛ inch) thick sheets of balsa wood; the sheet size depends on the class size and the number of paddles to be made; (e.g.(the class could make 9 paddles from three 20 cm x 60 cm (8 in x 24 in) sheets of balsa wood)
- cardboard; approximate the size of the cardboard to match the size of the balsa wood.
- coating materials
- flour and water paste
- wood glue
- clear shellac finisher, available online
- polyurethane clear finish, available online
- Covering materials
- paddle rubber sets, available online
- foam roll, available online
- shelf liner, available online
- neoprene rubber, available online
- paddle grips tape, available online
To share with the entire class:
- ping-pong tables or table tennis nets
- hot glue gun and glue sticks
- disposable cups or bowls (one per student; used to hold coating material)
- foam brushes (one per student; size does not matter)
- camera (to document design process)