Materials List:
Wind Patterns and Hydropower in the Desert?!
Each group needs:
- map of the world with latitudes marked, such as available for download from Teacher Vision
- plastic inflatable globe
- dry erase marker
- (optional) string
- paper (or sticky notes) and pencils, for brainstorming
- notebooks or journals, for case study work
- Hydropower Journal Entry Grading Rubric
- computer with internet access for each pair, to conduct online research and post on discussion board
To share with the entire class:
- image of globe with wind patterns, latitude and Hadley cells
- case study articles: China’s Three Gorges Dam by the Numbers by Brian Handwerk for National Geographic News; and Huge Hydropower Plant to Harness Seawater and Solar Power in South America’s Driest Desert by Cole Mellino for EcoWatch
- student access to an online journal/discussion board