Materials List:
Building the Neuron
Each group needs:
- 1 mammal neuron cell slide, available for $7 each at
- microscope (if only 1 micorscope is availabe, share with the class)
- 2-3 sheets of graph paper
- Viewing the Neuron Worksheet
- Peer Review Checklist
- Presentation Preparation Guide
- Presentation Evaluation Form
To share with the entire class:
Note: To create their neuron models, have student groups select from the variety of materials listed below, or modify the list based upon your supplies availability.
- scissors
- 1-2 rolls tape (any kind)
- 1-2 packages pipe cleaners
- molding clay
- assortment of beads
- electrical or copper wire, 1spool
- string or yarn, 1 spool/skein
- assorted paint and brushes
- recycled newspaper or butcher paper
- assortment of Styrofoam balls
- computer with Internet access and projector, to show a short video