Materials List:
Alloy the Way to Mars
Each group needs:
- 1 alloy sample; a different sample for each group; see the Class Data Table for seven alloy suggestions and see Figure 1 for an example size, although sizes and types may vary; alloy material is available at, including custom sizes;
- digital calipers; if limited supplies, okay to share among groups
- electronic balance; if limited supplies, okay to share among groups
- RS-25 Article, one per student
- Analysis of RS-25 Article Pre-Assessment, one per student
- Density and Specific Strength Student Handout, one per group
- Final Recommendations Post-Assessment, one per student or per group, depending on whether you want students to do the post-assessment individually or together
To share with the entire class:
- metal Slinky® (a flexible, helical spring toy), for a class demonstration
- (optional) computer or overhead projector, to display the class data table