Materials List:
Constructing and Testing a 3D Printed Glove with Strain Sensors
Each group needs:
- 0.61 m of 30SNSP 30 AWG Magnet Wire, enameled copper wire, 0.274 mm in diameter, available online
- two medium polyester garden gloves, available in hardware stores or online
- LOCTITE Ultra Gel Control 5-gram clear multipurpose adhesive, hardware stories or online
- digital multimeter, available online
- scissors
- permanent marker
- 3D printed prosthetic hand, pre-printed and assembled, available online
To share with the entire class:
- 3D printer; example of the one used for this activity
- filament Proto-Pasta (conductive PLA) - 1.75mm (0.5kg), example online
- soldering iron
- graph paper, or a computer with Microsoft Excel (optional)