Materials List:
Build Your Own Insect Trap
To share with the entire class:
- paper, regular weight or construction (include several colors, including the color that the target insect is attracted to), 2-3 times the number of teams in the class
- markers, any kind and any color, 4-packs (for students who wish to add designs on their traps)
- plastic cups, any kind, 1-2 per team (include several colors, including the color that the insect is attracted to)
- 1 ball of string
- plastic plates, large and small, any kind, 2-3 times the number of teams in the class (include several colors, such as yellow, white and red, making sure to include the color that the insect is attracted to)
- 1 large box Popsicle sticks
- masking tape, 2 rolls
- 75 drinking straws
- scissors, inexpensive but sharp
- 1 box Q-tips
- 1 bag cotton balls
- food items to act as lures, whatever is specified as the material(s) that attracts the insect, for example: vanilla, coffee, soda
- assorted building materials, such as wire, screen, cardboard, twist ties, foil, tape, glue (items that might help students create imaginative insect traps)
Note: This list suggests materials suitable for attraction of an example flying insect that are inexpensive and easily available at grocery stores. However, since it is up to the teacher to specify the species of insect to trap, feel free to alter the necessary supplies and ingredients and answer students' questions accordingly. For example, if you need sugar instead of lentils as bait, then if a student asks what is the insect attracted to, you would answer, "sugar."