Materials List:
Diseases Exposed:
ESR Test in the Classroom
ESR Test in the Classroom
Each group needs:
- Sedimentation and the ESR Test Presentation (printed out to serve as a handout), Student Lab Handout, Post-Lab Quiz and Homework Sheet, one each per student
- Each of the solutions and amounts listed in Table 1; see the Procedure > Before the Activity section for preparation instructions for the solutions and beet extract; solution ingredients include: tomato juice/V8, petroleum jelly, olive oil, unsalted butter, rice starch, beet, salt and water; solution preparation equipment includes: digital scale, beakers, plastic spatulas/spoons, glass stir rods, stove (or hot plate or Bunsen burner), vegetable grater (hand or electric), tissues, storage containers.
- lab aprons and safety goggles, one each per student
- computer or tablet, one per student
- clear, labeled containers to store each of the five solutions
- 1 tablespoon of finely grated beet shavings placed in a cup; preparation details provided in the Procedure > Before the Activity section
- small tweezers, for transferring beet shavings
- 5 graduated test tubes of 25-ml capacity with screw caps, placed in a zip-lock bag or cup; alternatively use 25-ml graduated measuring cylinders with caps; note: if you scale up the experiment 5 to 10 times, then use five tall, skinny, clear plastic bottles that are 8-9 inches tall and 1.5-2 inches wide, such as empty recycled soda bottles or dollar-store olive oil bottles, as shown in Figure 1
- 1 test tube stand, if using test tubes
- 5 graduated plastic laboratory droppers of 2-3 ml capacity; used to add solution into the empty test tube when making the blood model
- tray, to organize each group’s materials
- paper towels
- clock, to time the 60 minutes needed to let the samples settle
To share with the entire class:
- computer and projector, plus Internet access, to show the Sedimentation and the ESR Test Presentation, a Microsoft® PowerPoint® file, and some short online videos