Materials List:
Balsa Towers
- markers
- large sheets of paper, such as butcher paper
- quick drying epoxy glue (90-second or 5-minute)
- 1/4 x 1/4 inch balsa wood strips
- 1/8 inch balsa wood sheets
- (optional) dremel tool
- measuring rulers
- utility knives (for students, if possible, otherwise one for the teacher)
- newspaper, to protect table tops from glue
- scrapwood, to cut on (and protect the table tops)
- goggles, one per person
- scale, to weigh towers
- flat board, to set on top of a tower and on which to place weight for testing
- weights or many identical books, to use as mass/weight to test tower strength
- Structural Strength Testing Handout, one per student
Source for balsa wood and glue: