Materials List:
A Spectral Mystery
Each student needs:
- Spectrograph from the Building a Fancy Spectrograph activity
- Colored pencils
- Copy of Spectral Mystery Worksheet
To share with entire class:
- 1 power supply for gas discharge tubes
- 1 tube of oxygen gas
- 1 tube of nitrogen gas
- 1 tube of air
- 1 additional tube (your choice)
- 1 "mystery tube" that could be either oxygen, nitrogen, or duplicate of the additional tube
- Any additional tubes
Notes on materials:
If resources allow, set up several power supplies as stations around the room.
The (optional) extension activity uses gas discharge tubes. Gas discharge tubes produce an emission spectrum that can be seen when electricity runs through the tube, exciting the atoms in the gas. Although expensive, when handled properly, gas discharge tubes can last for years.
Purchase power supplies and gas discharge tubes from:
Rainbow Symphony Store
Spectrum tube power supply for $199
Nitrogen gas tubes cost $35
Gas tube prices range from $35 to $43