Materials List:
Using a Fancy Spectrograph
Each student needs:
- Spectrograph from the "Building a Fancy Spectrograph" activity
- Homework from the "Building a Fancy Spectrograph" activity
- Colored pencils
- Copy of instructions (see Attachment section)
To share with the entire class:
- 1 strand of multi-colored holiday lights
- 1 strand of clear white holiday lights
- 1 candle
- 1 glow stick
- (¼ watt) night light with neon bulb
- 2-3 extension cords
- 1 incandescent light bulb
- 6 compact florescent light bulbs (1 cool white bulb [emits throughout spectrum], 1 soft white bulb [emits stronger on red side], 1 daylight bulb [emits stronger on blue side], 1 blue compact florescent bulb, 1 red compact florescent bulb, and 1 blacklight forescent bulb)
- 1 red LED light
- 1 green LED light
Notes on materials:
Glow sticks can be purchased at big box stores, camping supply stores, and many grocery stores, and are especially easy to find around Halloween. Glow sticks range in price from $1-$4 each. Make sure to get the kind that needs to be cracked to glow.
The ¼ watt night-lights (sometimes called 0.25 or 0.3 watt) can be purchased at hardware stores, many grocery stores, and some big box stores, and typically less than $5 each.