Materials List:
Building a Fancy Spectrograph
Each group needs:
- 7-inch (18-cm) high oatmeal container
- 3 x 5 index card
- 1 X-Act-o knife
- 1 holographic diffraction grating (500 lines/mm or 12,700 grooves/in)
- 1 ruler
- colored pencils to draw the spectra
- copies of instructions, questions and homework pages (see Attachment section)
To share with the entire class:
- black spray paint (optional, but desirable)
- masking tape
- 1 incandescent light bulb
- thick black markers
- markers, aluminum foil, glue and other materials to decorate the outside of container
- prism (optional for Introduction/ Motivation section)
- slide projector (optional for Introduction/ Motivation section
Notes on materials:
Ask students to bring oatmeal containers from home.
Purchase holographic diffraction gratings in sheets or on card-mounted slides from:
Rainbow Symphony Store:
A set of 10 12" x 6" linear sheets with 500 line/mm for $25
A set of 50 2" x 2" linear calibrated card mounted slides with 500 line/mm for $20
A set of 100 2" x 2" linear calibrated card mounted slides with 500 line/mm for $35
For Introduction/Motivation Section (optional):
- prism
- slide projector