Materials List:
Solar Sails:
The Future of Space Travel
The Future of Space Travel
Each group needs:
- 1 piece of writing paper and 1 pencil, for each student
- cardboard tube, 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) long x ~1 inch (~2.5 cm) in diameter; such as from toilet paper or paper towel rolls
- 6-8 standard-sized Popsicle sticks (4.5-inch long x 3/8-inch wide, or 11.43-cm long x .95-cm wide); exact quantity depends on the group’s design
- 12 inches (30 cm) of masking tape
- 1-2 rubber bands; exact quantity depends on the group’s design
- aluminum foil, at least a 12 x 12-inch (30 x 30-cm) square
- 2-4 standard plastic drinking straws; exact quantity depends on the group’s design
- scissors
- Solar Sails Worksheet, one per student
For a testing station that all groups use:
- 5-10 meters of fishing line, 20-50 g weight
- 2 chairs or desks, or other solid-surface on which to tie the fishing line
- large box fan or other strong fan
- tape measure
- Graphic of Solar Sail Designs, as an overhead transparency or handout