Materials List:
Into Space!
Each group needs:
- 1 35-mm film canister with internal snapping lid, such as the clear plastic Fujiā¢ brand film canister (Note: Canisters are often given away for free at camera shops or film-developing counters in grocery and discount retail stores.)
- 1 antacid tablet, broken in half
- paper, for designing and drawing the rocket
- a pitcher of water
- various building supplies (see items listed below)
- Fly Me to the Moon Worksheet, one per person
For the entire class to share:
- a few stopwatches
- 4-5 pairs safety glasses/goggles (groups will use one at a time during their launches)
- various sizes and types of building supplies, for building a lightweight but sturdy rocket: tape (duct and masking), cardboard, foam core board, construction paper, carad stock, scissors, glue, etc.