Materials List:
Tippy Tap Plus Piping
Purchase the following items at any hardware or home improvement store (such as The Home Depot or Lowe's). Each group needs:
- half-inch ID (inner diameter) PVC pipe, 5ft (1.5m) length
- 1-inch ID (inner diameters) PVC pipe, 5ft (1.5 m) length
- 4 half-inch 90° PVC elbow
- 4 1-inch 90° PVC elbow
- 2 1-inch to half-inch PVC reducers
- miscellaneous PVC valves (butterfly, ball, globe, etc.)
- miscellaneous sizes of flexible (vinyl) tubing and barbed connectors
- duct tape
- Fluid Dynamics Basics Handout, one per person
- (optional) Brainstorming Guidelines
For the entire class to share:
- 1 Tippy Tap (or make one by following the attached Tippy Tap Construction instructions and these supplies: clean and empty one-gallon plastic milk jug, candle, matches, nail, pliers, plastic net, string or rope, metal support, knife, bar of soap, string, tin can lid)
- string or rope, 5 ft (1.5m) length
- five-gallon plastic bucket
- half-inch threaded PVC fitting
- drill and half-inch drill bit, to make a hole in the five-gallon bucket wall for the PVC fitting
- adhesive, to adhere the PVC fitting into the bucket wall
- water supply to fill a five-gallon bucket
- PVC pipe cutting tools, such as a saw or a 4-inch steel PVC cutter (see example cutter description)
- towels or mop to clean up water spills (if conducting activity inside)