Materials List:
Watch Out for the Blind Spots:
Design a Vision Testing Device
Design a Vision Testing Device
This materials list is what the students at one high school came up with when creating this device. Since this is an open-ended project, your students will generate a different list of materials, but many items may be similar.
When this project was taught, the class was divided into subgroups. The "structure" group was responsible for creating the framework onto which everything was mounted. The "lights" group was responsible for wiring the lights to dimmer switches and finding a way to mount them to the structure. See their materials lists below.
For the Structure Group:
- 0.5-inch thin wall PVC pipe, 3 m length
- 4.5-inch PVC elbow joints
- 2.5-inch PVC T-joints
- 1.25-inch thin wall PVC pipe, 1 m length
For the Lights Group:
- 4 60-watt B-type blunt-shaped decorative light bulbs
- 4 indoor extension cords
- 4 light bulb sockets
- 4 dimmer switches
- power cord with 4 outlets
- balsa wood to make 24 x 12 x 8 cm box to hold dimmer switches
- 0.25-inch thick foam, 10 x 15 cm block
Tools for the class to share:
- drill
- plastic welder epoxy
- epoxy
- saw
- electrical tape
- wood glue
- Xacto knife
- wire cutters
- (optional) dremel
For all students:
- butcher paper, pens and pencils, for brainstorming and sketching
- (optional) Pre/Post Quiz, two copies per student
- Project Requirements and Constraints, one per team
For the teacher:
- (optional) Evaluation / Grading Rubric, one per team
- (optional) computer with internet to show online video