Materials List:
Shake It Up!
Engineering for Seismic Waves
Engineering for Seismic Waves
Each group needs:
- 1 shoebox
- 1 wooden board (sized to fit in the bottom of the shoebox with room to move in all directions)
- 10 marbles
- 20 Popsicle sticks
- 10 rubber bands
- string, ~50 cm to 1m in length
- hot glue gun and 3 glue sticks
- 1 sandwich bag of mini marshmallows
- toothpicks, a handful or unlimited, depending on materials limitations imposed by teacher
- Shake It Up! Activity Worksheet, one per person
To share with the entire class:
- duct tape
- masking tape
- scissors and/or box cutters
- stopwatch
To build the teacher's shake table (optional):
- Build a shake table that uses a variable speed drill to move the table; follow instructions at; materials include: plywood, wooden blocks, foam core board, hollow metal tubes, hot glue, metal rods (welding rods), rod with u-shaped bend, wire, strapping tape (or piece of rubber), fasteners, and a variable speed drill with a speed control unit.
- Alternatively, if you do not want to build the drill-powered shake table, you can construct a simpler one following instructions at Or, have the class select the best shake table from all the groups and use that one for the one-minute earthquake challenge testing.
- Alternatively, the engineering colleges at some universities make available their shake tables for use by outside student groups for academic purposes.