Materials List:
Counting Calories
For demonstration:
- 2 beakers
- KCl (potassium chloride) salt
- water
- a thin, lightweight piece of wood or 6-8 Popsicle® sticks
- thermometer
- stirring device (such as a Popsicle stick or coffee stirrer)
Each group should have:
- 2-3 Styrofoam® coffee cups
- paper cups
- cloth
- felt
- foam
- thermometer
- one stir rod
- water
- rubber bands
- tape
- paper
- any other materials that may be beneficial for a team's design
- Wait, What Just Happened? Worksheet, one per student
- Your Calorimeter and Your Lab Worksheet, one per student
- Evaluation and Improvement Worksheet, one per student
To share with the entire class:
- scissors
- aluminum foil
- potassium chloride