Materials List:
Saving a Life:
Heart Valve Replacement
Heart Valve Replacement
Each group needs:
- 1 sheet of paper and a pencil or pen
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 model heart, a cardboard box with a divider in the middle (see Figure 1)
- 30 marbles (representing blood cells)
- Valve Replacement Project Worksheet, one per group
To create a model heart box, one per group (made in advance by the teacher; see Figure 1):
- 1 box, size can vary, for example, use old banker's storage boxes or copy paper boxes, approximately 10 high x 12 wide x 15-inches deep (25 x 30 x 38 cm), no lid needed
- divider wall made from cardboard (cut from lid or flaps) and packing tape
- scissors or box cutter, to cut cardboard and tape
- (optional) marker, to identify heart chamber names
- (optional) red spray paint
To share with the entire class:
- tissue paper, 1 pack
- construction paper, 1 pack
- cardboard, scrap pieces, about 1 per group
- brown paper bags, available at grocery stores
- Popsicle sticks, available at hardware and hobby stores
- index cards, 1 pack
- wooden toothpicks, one box
- string, 1 roll (~280 ft or ~85 m)
- aluminum foil, 1 box
- duct tape, 3 rolls
- scotch tape, 5-10 rolls