Materials List:
Water Power
Each group should have:
- 1 empty, clean 2-liter plastic soda bottle (or a 20-oz bottle, depending on availability) with holes drilled in the cap and the bottom of the bottle so that a wooden dowel fits through length of the bottle like an axle
- 1 pair of scissors
- duct tape
- wooden dowel (~ΒΌ inch diameter and longer than the soda bottle length)
- string
- fin material, such as cardboard, index cards, straws, toothpicks, popsicle sticks, walls of plastic bottles, etc., that students can use to make turbine fins
- water-proofing materials (such as aluminum foil, plastic wrap, etc.) to wrap over any paper fins to keep them from disintegrating in the water
- water
- sink tap and drain access
- stopwatch